Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Enagic's Kangen Water

I still receive calls about the water machine and am still active with supplying people with water. When people call they want to buy a machine but are usually surprised by how much they cost.  I can reassure anyone that the Enagic machine is an excellent machine and is worth every dollar spent on the fresh, ionized-alkaline water that it supplies.  A great machine and a great company.  Purchasing a machine makes the purchaser  a distributor and there are many people interested in the machines.  I am connected directly to one of the original distributors in the United States and he is very helpful.  Please continue to call and inquire about the machines, I am glad to provide any information.     Enagic USA

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Kangen Water- Proud To Be The Best

I was listening to the teleconference phone call the other night and I was reminded of how special Enagic and Kangen water is. The ionized alkaline water helps many people in many unexpected ways. Whether it be with there health or there finances. It makes me very happy to know that I own a machine and I couldn't live without it. I drink the Kangen Water daily and it always makes me feel better to have a glass. I wish everyone could have one of these machines. The way that Kangen Water works is that it allows the cells to make the repairs necessary to the body. It is not actually the water that heals you or makes you feel better, it is the cells.

The high PH ionized Kangen Water enters the body and INSTANTLY hydrates the body. The Kangen Waters micro-clustered molecules enter the cells more easily than the other types of macro-clustered water. ie. tap, bottled, etc..

Kangen Water is also proven to probably be, if it isn't, the highest source of antioxidants on the planet. It is proven that you need antioxidants to combat the free radicals that enter the body from a number of sources.

It is also proven that only 1 in 100,000 people function better with an interstitial fluid (The cells fluid) that is in an acidic state the rest of us need ours to be alkaline.

With the cells ability to function properly because it is hydrated from drinking the high PH (alkaline) ionized Kangen Water, clean and in an alkaline environment it allows the cell to cleanse the body.

After starting to drink Kangen Ionized Alkaline Water most people feel a difference after about two to three weeks. It is simply amazing. Let me help you to sample Kangen Water to see for yourself the difference drinking this water makes.

Visit my website or give me a call.