Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kangen Water

Please let me know if you know of anyone that has been helped by Kangen Water. I would especially like to know if there are any stories about Crohns Disease or Diabetes. I love the water and it got rid of my heart burn and shoulder pain.

1 comment:

  1. Good evening Shane, the testimonies are becoming more and more daily on all the healings that simply "drinking" kangen water can afford.
    You need to get a copy of "Why Kangen Water" They are available at I think about $3.00 each. Crohns? Forget about it! And most anything will be vastly improved and just like you and I know, just drink the water. connect with me at via blg and or
    My Website is if you'd like to opt in there for phone number etc.
    Night, LCD
    P.S. Get all your prospects on the calls, and get MyKangenPower and access to all the calls and info, they are terrific
